The Frog Explores.. Researches..

LiSa T
Published in
1 min readDec 16, 2023


Google Map of my activities in November

There is a Japanese saying that goes: 井の中の蛙大海を知らず

It means: “A frog in a well knows nothing of the sea

It’s supposed to describe people with a narrow world view due to limited experience.

But sometimes, I think, that it’s unfair and mean to the frog? Was is it’s fault that it was born in the well & it did not enough water (or frog leg power) for it to rise above the dead leaves & yesterday’s rain shower to even have an opportunity to see the sea?

And when it does see …the sea, we expect it to return to the well, to make seafoam and shells — from it’s little froglet bones and the well’s chipping stones. While we parade it in front of tadpoles, it’s heart full of holes.

Maybe it’s just me, but do we really need the sea?

Or should we just take to the skies?



LiSa T

Rheum. Grad Student. These entries are personal and do not reflect my former nor currently affiliated institutions' opinion.